Atlantic salmon, Piscine orthoreovirus in endothelial cells, Heart, IHC.

PRV – Atlantic salmon – IHC

Piscine Orthoreovirus, is a segmented virus, non-enveloped RNA, 60 – 80 µm, with icosahedral shape, belonging to the family Reoviridae, subfamily Spinareovirinae and is the aetiological agent of Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI).

Atlantic salmon, Piscine orthoreovirus in endothelial cells, Heart, IHC.
Figure 1. Atlantic salmon, Piscine orthoreovirus in endothelial cells, Heart, IHC.

The HSMI disease is diagnosed by the occurrence of histopathologic lesions in the heart and skeletal muscle; moderate to severe panmyocarditis (inflammation in the compact and spongy layers of the myocardium); and myocardial degeneration and necrosis.

The skeletal muscle also shows moderate to severe myodegeneration and necrosis, especially of the red muscle fibres, as well as inflammation.

Atlantic salmon, Piscine orthoreovirus in endothelial cells, Heart, IHC.
Figure 2. Atlantic salmon, Piscine orthoreovirus in endothelial cells, Heart, IHC.

Lesions in the skeletal muscle tend to occur mostly during the peak of the outbreak and, to a lesser extent, in the recovery phase. Histopathological lesions in other organs include liver necrosis and congestion, haemorrhages in liver, kidney, spleen and gills.


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  • Kongtorp, R. T., Kjerstad, A., Taksdal, T., Guttvik, A., & Falk, K. (2004). Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: a new infectious disease. Journal of Fish Diseases27(6), 351-358.
  • Kongtorp, R. T., Halse, M., Taksdal, T., & Falk, K. (2006). Longitudinal study of a natural outbreak of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Diseases29(4), 233-244.

By: Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Sandoval Hurtado is a Veterinary doctor at Universidad Católica de Temuco, Masters in Science, specializing in Animal Health at Universidad Austral de Chile. He has over 15 years experience in the area of pathology and histopathology of fish and other species, becoming one of the most renowned histopathologists in Chile. He is currently the Director of VeHiCe (Veterinary Histopathology Center) a leading laboratory in histopathology whose clients include laboratories, universities, aquaculture industry and avian industry mainly.
